Find a job

Employment situation in Åland is good. Almost all branches have long-term need for personnel.

There is a particularly high demand for manpower in healthcare, IT, technology, hotels and restaurants, law and service, law and crafts.

Apply for a job

Start your job search before coming to Åland. Begin by determining whether Åland has any employment matching your professional qualifications. Be proactive. Make use of all available channels in your job search.

Current information on job openings can be viewed at Ålands arbetsmarknads- och studieservicemyndighet (AMS). You can also find information on applying for jobs, the job market and available jobs on the EURES portal. The employment agencies of EU/EEA member states belong to the EURES - European Employment Services network, whose advisers provide assistance in international job searches. You can contact your nearest EURES Adviser for advice and guidance.