Family benefits

What rights and benefits do you have as a parent? Here you can read more about family leave, daily allowance, maternity allowance, child home care allowance as well as about child benefit and student aid.

For parents

As a parent, you are entitled to various types of leave and allowances. You can apply for parental benefits and other family benefits from the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (FPA/Kela) when you are expecting a child and as the child grows up. The family benefits that FPA provides include maternity allowance, parental allowance and child benefit.

What is child home care allowance?

When the parental allowance ends, you can be granted child home care allowance from your municipality until the child reaches the age of three. A prerequisite for you to receive child home care allowance is that the child is not receiving childcare arranged or paid for by the municipality.

Contact your municipality for more information about child home care allowance.

Partial home care allowance

You can apply for partial home care allowance from your municipality if you have children under the age of three or if you have children in the first or second grade of comprehensive school. A prerequisite is that you are partially on sick leave or employed part-time.

Contact your municipality for more information about partial home care allowance.

Child benefit

For children living in Åland, child benefit is paid by FPA. The child benefit is paid until the child reaches the age of 17. The amount of the allowance depends on the number of children in the family.

Student aid

Students aged 17 and older can apply for Åland student aid from the The Åland Labour Market and Student Services (Ålands arbetsmarknads- och studieservicemyndighet, AMS).